ONE of the men allegedly behind the brutal slaying of soldier Lee Rigby had to himself be consoled by friends in 2007 after a soldier mate was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq.

Two terror suspects shot by police in Woolwich remain under arrest in hospital. They were named as Michael Adebolajo, originally of Romford, Essex, and Michael Oluwatobi Adebowale, 22, of Greenwich, South East London

The Ministry of Defence earlier said the soldier killed is 25-year-old Drummer Lee Rigby, of 2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. Drummer Rigby had a two-year-old son and had served in Afghanistan.

In other developments:

    A British newspaper publishes shocking video of the moment the two men accused of killing Drummer Rigby were shot by police following the barbaric attack.
    Metropolitan Police said they had made two further arrests - a man and woman, both aged 29 - on suspicion of conspiracy to murder in relation to the Woolwich killing.
    Links are revealed between accused killer Michael Adebolajo and radical Islamic cleric Anjem Choudary, who is accused of having "blood on his hands".
    British police have made two further arrests and raided houses across London following the brutal murder of a serving soldier who survived a tour of duty in Afghanistan. Both men, aged 28 and 22, are believed to be Britons of Nigerian origin. One of them had frequented meetings by the now-banned Islamist group Al-Muhajiroun, its UK leader Anjem Choudary said.

Michael Adebolajo seen with blood soaked hands allegedly targeted 25-year-old Rigby because he was a soldier, as the fanatic was filmed bemoaning all British soldiers fighting in the Middle East .

But ironically those who knew Adebolajo said he himself had to be consoled by them when in 2007 22-year-old friend Lance Corporal Kirk Redpath was killed by a roadside bomb in 2007 in Basra, southern Iraq.

Friends said the betrayal of Cpl Redpath's memory only a few years later was disturbing.

"What happened in Woolwich was butchery, unbelievable," Cpl Redpath's brother Grant said.
Lee Rigby

Soldier Lee Rigby pictured relaxing on leave. Picture: Facebook

"I don't know what happened to Michael because he used to be the most laid-back nicest guy in the world."

Grant Redpath said they all grew up together in the Catholic faith and never knew he converted to Islam.

Other former friends of Adebolajo were furious now of his actions.

"Michael has desecrated Kirk's memory – he's dancing on his grave," he said.

British Prime Minister David Cameron meanwhile has formally rescinded orders issued in the wake of the brutal slaying of Lee Rigby that military personnel not wear uniforms in public.

Mr Cameron has expressed exasperation that at the same time he is urging Britons to carry on life as normal in defiance of terrorism, the Ministry of Defence issue an edict for soldiers to disguise their backgrounds.

The prime minister has given his Defence Minister Philip Hammond a dressing down over the edict and expressed how he was "seriously dismayed".
Lee Rigby

Soldier Lee Rigby pictured on Facebook relaxing with the family dog. Picture: Facebook

"The best way to defeat terrorism is for everyone, including our brave service personnel, to go about their lives as normal," he told his ministers in a private meeting yesterday.

The ban, issued hours after the attack on Drummer Rigby, was formally lifted - not that it was adhered to anyway.

Many military personnel turned up at the site of the violent death in military outfits in defiance of the order and public safety fears.

The order was a thrownback to the 1980s when solderies were told to wear civilian clothes in public amid fears of being targeted by the IRA.

Cruel twist for murdered soldier

MURDERED soldier Lee Rigby's girlfriend was flying back to the UK from serving in the Afghanistan warzone,  after the 25-year-old was hacked to death on the streets of London.

The cruel twist between the military couple came as tributes poured in for dad Lee, 25, a Drummer who served in Helmand in 2009, The Sun reports.
Police shoot Woolwich attack suspects


Police shoot Woolwich attack suspects

British newspaper The Mirror publishes gruesome video of terror suspects attacking police after butchering soldier Lee Rigby on London's st...

0:00 / 0:32

"An extremely popular and witty soldier, Drummer Rigby was a larger than life personality within the Corps of Drums and was well known, liked and respected across the Second Fusiliers. He was a passionate and life-long Manchester United fan," the Ministry of Defence said in a statement.

"A loving father to his son Jack, aged 2 years, he will be sorely missed by all who knew him. The Regiment’s thoughts and prayers are with his family during this extremely difficult time. 'Once a Fusilier, always a Fusilier.'"

His family issued a statement describing Drummer Rigby as "lovely."

"He would do anything for anybody, he always looked after his sisters and always protected them. He took a 'big brother' role with everyone," they said. "All he wanted to do from when he was a little boy, was be in the Army.

"He wanted to live life and enjoy himself. His family meant everything to him. He was a loving son, husband, father, brother, and uncle, and a friend to many. "


Suspect identified

TV footage shows a man at the scene in Woolwich with bloody hands. He has been identified as Michael Adeboloja.

People were quick to identify British-born Michael "Mujihad" Adebolajo as one of the two men accused of killing Drummer Rigby who was wearing a Help for Heroes T-shirt.

The other suspect, who was confronted by a woman on the street after the barbaric killing, has not been named.

A British government official said both suspects were part of previous security services investigations for possible terror links.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak about the investigation, said he could not provide other details because the suspects may face trial. Investigations by Britain's domestic security service, MI5, can include undercover surveillance, phone tapping and communications intercepts.

Police in the county of Lincolnshire in eastern England said a property was being searched in connection to the attack in Woolwich. Police said a search warrant had been obtained but would not provide details about the search. Police were also scouring the attack site for further clues.

Wielding knives including a meat cleaver, two men attacked Drummer Rigby, who was off-duty, in broad daylight near the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, southeast London.  He was hacked to death before the men then delivered an Islamist tirade to passers-by who confronted the men before police arrived.

One of the two suspected Islamists accused of hacking a British soldier to death in London was a convert who by banned Islamist preacher Omar Bakri.
Woolwich attack


0:00 / 0:32
Police shoot Woolwich attack suspects

British newspaper The Mirror publishes gruesome video of terror suspects attacking police after butchering soldier Lee Rigby on London's st...

24 May
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Anjem Choudary - the former leader of Islamist preacher Omar Bakri's Al-Muhajiroun group in Britain, says the man filmed with a bloodied meat cleaver regularly attended sermons by the banned Sheikh.  That man is alleged to be Michael "Mujihad" Adebolojo.

"He wasn't a member (of Al-Muhajiroun), he was not intellectually affiliated. I wouldn't say he was a member but he attended some of the activities, demonstrations, processions, talks," he said.

"Even Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad, who's now in Lebanon, remembered him. So he was definitely there prior to 2005 and I think he disappeared off the scene probably 2009, 2010."

Bakri, who has vowed that Muslims would give the West "a 9/11, day after day after day," left London for Lebanon in 2005 and was told by the Home Office he wouldn't be allowed to return. He is closely linked to al-Qaeda.

In response to the attack, thousands of people reached out to the Help for Heroes charity to donate money.  However its website crashed for hours, unable to cope with the increased traffic.

US President Barack Obama condemned the killing of Drummer Rigby calling the act "appalling" and "horrific."

"The United States stands resolute with the United Kingdom, our ally and friend, against violent extremism and terror," Mr Obama said in a written statement.

Police and forensic officers search the scene of a terror attack in Woolwich, southeast London.  Picture: AP Photo/Sang Tan

Experts were quick to warn of possible copycat attacks.

"We know from research whenever a terrorist attack gets an awful lot of media attention it leads to copycats and we get a lot of other groups being inspired by it saying 'Why don't we do something similar'," terrorism expert Professor Andrew Silke from University of East London said.

Suspect's friends speak out

On Twitter Abu Nusaybah said the suspect who has been named as Michael Adebolojo was his friend.

"I am absolutely shocked," he wrote.

"I grew up with him.

"I haven't seen pictures of other 'suspect' so I don't know him - Too much blood being shed around the world we all need to change.

Members of the community wait to lay flowers close to a crime scene where a soldier from Wellington Barracks was killed.

"I don't (want the) media to twist my silence as I knew him, but I didn't know about this issue or his activities ... "




Adebolojo's schoolmates said he was a "gangster wannabe" who came from a strictly Christian family.

Students from Marshalls Park School in Romfordl, in London's east, yesterday told News Limited they were shocked after seeing video of Michael Adebolojo, 28, ranting at the camera with bloodied hands after butchering a man on the street.

"I was in his brother's class all the way through school and had been round their house," classmate Simon Collings, 25, said.
Britain Terror Attack

Members of media gather at the scene of a terror attack in Woolwich, southeast London, where a member of armed forces was attacked and killed by two men.

"His family were very Christian, him and his siblings are all religiously named. His brother (is) Jeremiah and his sisters (are) Blessing and Christiana."

Mr Collings said Abebolojo, a British citizen of Nigerian descent, had never shown signs of the violence which was to come during his five years at school.

"He was a clever guy, and had lots of friends," he said. "He wasn't the loudest of characters but he wasn't quiet either."

"If anything he saw himself as a bit of a gangster wannabe."

Adebolojo became interested in Islam around the age of 15 or 16 and formally converted, taking the Muslim name "Mujahid," or "one who fights Jihad" around 2003.

His family is believed to have moved from their home in nearby Romford after becoming concerned about his increasingly bizarre behaviour.

They said they thought he later went on to study at University of Greenwich.
Police search homes after British soldier's murder

Police search homes after British soldier's murder

Muslim leaders condemned the killing of a British soldier, calling it an "evil act" as police raided two homes connected to the suspects. ...

0:00 / 1:31

"I would never have imagined him being a religious fanatical. When they showed him on the news I instantly recognised him," Mr Collings said. "I got in last night and my mum said that people on Facebook were saying one of the killers went to my school."

"Then when they showed him on the news I instantly recognised him."

Fellow schoolmate Dan Meech said he had known Adebolojo, who was affectionately known as "Narn", for years.

"I grew up with him for years through juniors outside football leagues and seniors," he said. "He was in my form and my mate. This really makes no sense," he said.

Another friend Darren Marsh said: "He was always a good guy at school do anything for anyone but how time and religion can change a individual its just sickening."

"To have known someone that turn into a monster and this publicly is what he wanted as you can tell from his actions to the cameras."

James Smith, who also attended Marshalls Park School in Romford, shared his shock on Facebook.
Britain Terror Attack

Police officers lay down floral tributes handed to them by members of the public at the scene of a terror attack in Woolwich, southeast London.

"I'm not sure I quite believe this. The guy who killed the soldier in Woolwich earlier I think went to my school....I sat next to him in Sociology at College!!!! I'm trying not to jump to conclusions but it seems to be backed up by others from Marshalls/Havering 6th form....I guess we're all in shock, what the f*** happened there man....."

Mr Smith later told that  Michael "Mujihad" Adebolojo was a "normal guy".

"I don't want to offer up much information I'm afraid as I don't feel it's my place. I feel for his family who to the best of my knowledge were devout Christians and I can't believe what he's turned into," he said.

"All I will say is he was a normal guy growing up. I heard he converted to Islam and changed his name as a result shortly after college but then he went off the radar.

"Everyone from my school year is so shocked."

The suspects were later shot by police after the gruesome attack and are now in hospital under armed guard.

Scotland Yard has hit back after questions were raised about how long it took officers to reach the scene after reports of a man being butchered on a street in southeast London.

Many arrived at the Wellington Barracks to lay flowers, including members of the Sikh community.

Assistant Commissioner Simon Byrne said that officers reached Artillery Place within nine minutes of the first 999 call telling them a man was being attacked.

It took 10 minutes for firearms officers to reach the scene after they were alerted to the presence of a gun.

Julia Wilders, 51, who lives near the scene, said she and her husband saw the victim being attacked, and then around 20 minutes later one of the attackers clutching two meat cleavers and charging at the police as they pulled up in a car.

Conservative MP Robert Buckland told the Daily Telegraph it would be "very worrying" if armed officers had taken 20 minutes to arrive.

News of one of the suspect's identity, came just after police raided six properties in relation with the brutal attack.

"Search warrants have been executed ... at six residential addresses; three in south London, one in east London, one in north London and one in Lincoln. The searches are ongoing," Scotland Yard said in a statement.

Mr Nusaybah's Twitter account says that he is a "Muslim striving as best as he can to Worship Allaah correctly and to die upon that Inshallaah".

He said Adebolojo is a "revert born Christian British citizen".

"He reverted 4 months after I started practising, in 2003 - generally didn't go to a lot mosques becoz critics of Gov & War would be," he tweeted.

Adebolojo, who is of Nigerian descent, allegedly answers to his Muslim name "Mujahid" or "one who fights Jihad".

He reportedly attended Marshalls Park School and Performing Arts College in Romford, UK.

Demola Ojo ?@DemolaOjo tweeted that he also knows the attacker: "@ogundamisi I saw the video and I thought he looked familiar, then I looked again. Yep, I know this dude in Romford," he posted.

Dann Harringtonn ?@Amsterdann95 tweeted that he went to school with Adebolojo: "@Kaicey_franklin the man named Michael adeboloja went my school was good couple years older than us looool xx," he tweeted.


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"I don't know what happened to Michael because he used to be the most laid-back nicest guy in the world."

Grant Redpath said they all grew up together in the Catholic faith and never knew he converted to Islam.

Other former friends of Adebolajo were furious now of his actions.

"Michael has desecrated Kirk's memory – he's dancing on his grave," he said.

British Prime Minister David Cameron meanwhile has formally rescinded orders issued in the wake of the brutal slaying of Lee Rigby that military personnel not wear uniforms in public.

Mr Cameron has expressed exasperation that at the same time he is urging Britons to carry on life as normal in defiance of terrorism, the Ministry of Defence issue an edict for soldiers to disguise their backgrounds.

The prime minister has given his Defence Minister Philip Hammond a dressing down over the edict and expressed how he was "seriously dismayed".

"The best way to defeat terrorism is for everyone, including our brave service personnel, to go about their lives as normal," he told his ministers in a private meeting yesterday.

The ban, issued hours after the attack on Drummer Rigby, was formally lifted - not that it was adhered to anyway.

Many military personnel turned up at the site of the violent death in military outfits in defiance of the order and public safety fears.

The order was a thrownback to the 1980s when solderies were told to wear civilian clothes in public amid fears of being targeted by the IRA


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